736 Junk rig Luff Controls - some recent variations.
link Newsletter Issue 19 May 1989
778 Super junks - recent rig developments and their interpretation.
link Newsletter Issue 23 Summer 1991
795 Alan Boswell discusses the recent developments in sail and batten design and suggests a way forward.
link Newsletter Issue 25 Summer 1992
1211 Lynda Chidell Kokachin is launched
Description of this DeForestier designed junk, owners Pete Hill and Linda Crew-Gee and its recent launch
link Page: 51
1217 Jan Wolstenholme The Boat Shed
Junk rig boat building and recent launchings
link Page: 56
1255 The Launch of Kokachin
YouTube video introducing the recently launched Deforestier junk Kokachin