1389 US Government agency Here is China - excerpts
YouTube video extracts from a US government video about China in 30s
686 Book Review "Ships of China"
link Newsletter Issue 13 May 1986
777 More of COCACHIN, a 75' replica of a Foochow Pole Junk. China - Land of the Sailing junk.
link Newsletter Issue 23 Summer 1991
827 Report from our man in China and Ferro Fishing Junks.
link Newsletter Issue 28 Winter 1993
890 Allen & Sharie Farrell Book Review - "Salt on the Wind" by Dan Rubin about CHINA CLOUD 42' junk schooner built
link Newsletter Issue 35 October 1999
901 Pete & Annie Hill Pete & Annie Hill's new junk rigged catamaran CHINA MOON.
link Newsletter Issue 36 February 2000
938 Sea Trial of CHINA MOON, Pete Hill's junk rigged 37' Catamaran.
link Newsletter Issue 40 March 2003
944 A survey of Chinese Junks (in a trimaran) in China 1985.
link Newsletter Issue 41 August 2003
967 36' CHINA BLUE'S West Coast and Irish/Scottish Cruise.
link Newsletter Issue 43 August 2004
969 Pete Hill 37' Cat CHINA MOON'S voyage to Cape Horn.
link Newsletter Issue 43 August 2004
639 Mat and Batten Sail - Its Aerodynamic Qualities, an extract from Science & Civilization in China.
link Newsletter Issue 6 December 1982
648 Dr. Harry Morton "Junks of China & Japan" - their hull and rig construction and use - long extract from book
link Newsletter Issue 7 June 1983
667 "The Amoy fisher and the Fishing Boat of the Chusans", extracts from "The Floating Population of China" by G.R.G. Worcester
link Newsletter Issue 9 May 1984
1128 Graeme Kenyon The Junk that Challenged the Yachts
book review of the story of the Free China
link Magazine Issue 87 October 2021
1230 Patrick Leblanc China Blue
Sailing from Glasgow via Troon, Bangor, Howth, to Caernafon
link Page: 30
1254 JRA Buying a Junk Rig Boat and Sailing it to France - Interview with Patrick Leblanc
YouTube video interview about the journey of 36’ schooner China Blue from Scotland to France
1260 JRA China Blue Sails South
YouTube video account of the sail of a 36’ schooner from Roscoff through Chenal de Four, Camaret, Raz de Sein and Lesconil
1267 John Muir One Old Junk is Everyone’s Treasure - the Excavation, Amalysis and Interpretation of a Chinese Shrimp Junk at China Camp State Park
A thesis on the archaeology of a junk in California, with detail of traditional Chinese ship building techniques and historical context for the junk.
1275 Graeme Kenyon The Ill Fated Voyage of the Princess Taiping
Story of a double pacific crossing by a modern replica of a traditional southeast China junk and shipwreck
link Page: 17
1277 Patrick Leblanc China Blue (in the Irish Sea)
Voyage from Ireland to Wales and Southwards by a 36' Junk Rigged Schooner
link Page: 22
1337 Indigenous Boats Blogspot Boats of China and Southeast Asia
Bibliography page and download links with books on Chinese and Vietnamese junks and other craft