8 Arne Kverneland Choosing a sailplan - ch3 of The Cambered Panel Junk Rig
Sail plan choices for cambered panel rigs
23 Joddy Chapman Sail Shape and Sailing Performance Measurement - the Chinese Lug Sail - PHD Thesis
A Thesis to establish the merits of features peculiar to the Chinese fully battened lug or junk sail using wind tunnels and measurement equipment
114 Jock McLeod Jock McLeod Newsletter Christmas 2005
Jock swallows the anchor
115 Jock McLeod Jock McLeod's Archives - Part 1, The Folios 1 & 2
Too many documents in each Folio to list at this stage!
1107 James Gray Anchoring Experiment
anchoring handling from the cockpit
link Magazine Issue 88 March 2022 Page: 36
1128 Graeme Kenyon The Junk that Challenged the Yachts
book review of the story of the Free China
link Magazine Issue 87 October 2021
1144 Graeme Kenyon The Story of the Junk Cocachin
History of the Junk Cocachin and owners Wayne and Theresa Moran
link Page: 7
1154 Christoph Blaschke Beaching SV Fledermaus off Vlieland
The process of beaching a bilge-keeled yacht in Vlieland, Netherlands
link Page: 13
1211 Lynda Chidell Kokachin is launched
Description of this DeForestier designed junk, owners Pete Hill and Linda Crew-Gee and its recent launch
link Page: 51
1246 JRA Junk Rig Association YouTube channel
YouTube channel devoted to junk rig including introduction, historical and entertainment videos
1247 Mike and Debbie Lyons Explaining the Junk Rig - a 39’ ketch
Lyon’s family discuss the sailing characteristics of Terrapin, their home built junk rig - YouTube video
1255 The Launch of Kokachin
YouTube video introducing the recently launched Deforestier junk Kokachin
1258 Graeme Kenyon Launch of FanShi
YouTube video of the launch of Annie Hill’s David Tyler Siblim design schooner and the junket that was held to mark the event in New Zealand
1260 JRA China Blue Sails South
YouTube video account of the sail of a 36’ schooner from Roscoff through Chenal de Four, Camaret, Raz de Sein and Lesconil
1265 Newbridge Boats newbridge coromandel junk rig version brochure
an original or early brochure for the coromandel junk rigged version
1267 John Muir One Old Junk is Everyone’s Treasure - the Excavation, Amalysis and Interpretation of a Chinese Shrimp Junk at China Camp State Park
A thesis on the archaeology of a junk in California, with detail of traditional Chinese ship building techniques and historical context for the junk.
1277 Patrick Leblanc China Blue (in the Irish Sea)
Voyage from Ireland to Wales and Southwards by a 36' Junk Rigged Schooner
link Page: 22
1292 Pete Hill; Linda Crew-Gee Building Kokachin
Story of the build and launch of this deForestier Jonque de Plaisance
link Page: 27
1318 Pete Hill Sailing Kokachin
DeForestier Junk, jonque de plaisance, built from hull up and sailing characteristics
link Page: 3
1319 various correspondents Chinese lugsall discussed in 1876
English Mechanic and World of Science discussion of the characteristics of a Chinese lugsail
link Page: 5
1337 Indigenous Boats Blogspot Boats of China and Southeast Asia
Bibliography page and download links with books on Chinese and Vietnamese junks and other craft
1338 Raphael DeGennaro Chesapeake Junket
Junket Report including SV Terrapin, Turtle, Kokachin, Wave Rover & Lyons family; Pete Hill, Linday Crew Gee, Alan Mulholland, Warren Stringer, Steve Tomlin
link Page: 3
1339 David Chidell The Chinese Solution - the Anchor Cat
Using Cats at the bow to improve anchoring
link Page: 9
1363 Derek Pilgrim The Challenger expedition
The story of the first global marine research expedition, that laid the foundations of oceanography
link Page: 43
1385 JRA Kokachin in Belfast Lough
youtube video of SV Kokachin in Belfast Lough, Northern Ireland
1389 US Government agency Here is China - excerpts
YouTube video extracts from a US government video about China in 30s
530 Arne Kverneland A Cordless Winch Handle for Johanna
link Magazine Issue 59 April 2012 Page: 24
542 Editor Newly launched - Oryx
link Magazine Issue 60 October 2012 Page: 18
543 Editor Nearly launched - Malliemac
link Magazine Issue 60 October 2012 Page: 20
572 Annie Hill The Launching of La Chica
link Magazine Issue 62 June 2013 Page: 10
575 Graham Cox JRA Hall of Fame - Mike Richey
link Magazine Issue 62 June 2013 Page: 21
578 Luis Nin Estevez Relaunching Atiti
link Magazine Issue 62 June 2013 Page: 30
588 Alan Martienssen More Despatches from Zebedee
link Magazine Issue 62 June 2013 Page: 61
471 Annie Hill The Sib-Lim Challenge
link Magazine Issue 67 February 2015 Page: 20
473 Clive - Serena owner Serena to Scotch Mist
link Magazine Issue 67 February 2015 Page: 28
488 Clive Boyle Scotch Mist
link Magazine Issue 68 June 2015 Page: 16
489 Ash Woods 3 Witches of Want
link Magazine Issue 68 June 2015 Page: 18
501 Annie Hill Sib Lim Challenge
link Magazine Issue 68 June 2015 Page: 53
389 David Webb SibLim Challenge page 46
link Magazine Issue 69 October 2015 Page: 46
393 Chris Gallienne Could Chinese Junks Sail to Windward
link Magazine Issue 69 October 2015 Page: 61
366 Hampus Mattson Sib-Lim Challenge
link Magazine Issue 70 February 2016 Page: 37
309 Annie Hill From the Chair
link Magazine Issue 74 June 2017 Page: 55
282 Simon Foster Ara'Deg - Some changes
link Magazine Issue 75 October 2017 Page: 20
283 Graham Cox Hall of Fame - Chris and Jess Bray / The Teleport Story - Part I
link Magazine Issue 75 October 2017 Page: 25
293 C Andrade Jr Lessons from a Chinese Sampan
link Magazine Issue 75 October 2017 Page: 61
254 Gez & Sue Richards In Defence of Baltic Anchorages
link Magazine Issue 77 June 2018 Page: 29
259 Pete Hill French Polynesia
link Magazine Issue 77 June 2018 Page: 44
260 Dr Derek Pilgrim On Which We Sail
link Magazine Issue 77 June 2018 Page: 48
234 Arne Kverneland Design for a Parachute Drogue
link Magazine Issue 78 October 2018 Page: 29
235 Per ?ka Bergman Armchair Sailor Goes Afloat
link Magazine Issue 78 October 2018 Page: 32
238 Linda Crew-Gee In Search of New Challenges
link Magazine Issue 78 October 2018 Page: 41
227 Graeme Kenyon Launching Pango
link Magazine Issue 79 February 2019 Page: 52
207 Malcolm Duckett Steam Yacht Befur
link Magazine Issue 80 June 2019 Page: 39
187 James Gray River Rat Stretches Her Wings
link Magazine Issue 81 October 2019 Page: 14
140 Malcolm Duckett Steam Yacht Befur
link Magazine Issue 84 October 2020 Page: 3
142 Graeme Kenyon Chinese Boat Names
link Magazine Issue 84 October 2020 Page: 12
136 Dixon Kemp A 19th Century View of Chinese Lugsails / "A manual of Yacht and Boat Sailing"
link Magazine Issue 85 February 2021 Page: 55
138 Editor The Launch of Fan Shi
link Magazine Issue 85 February 2021 Page: 58
618 Choice of Emblems - Draft Constitution
link Newsletter Issue 1 May 1980
681 Aubrey Hinchcliffe Cruising the Med. in a junk rigged CHALLENGER 35
link Newsletter Issue 12 December 1985
686 Book Review "Ships of China"
link Newsletter Issue 13 May 1986
690 I. Iliffe. Sailing a KINGFISHER 20+ LORCHINKA through the French Canals
link Newsletter Issue 13 May 1986
702 UPIK CHALLENGER 35 cruising the Med.
link Newsletter Issue 15 May 1987
703 SABRA SUNBIRD 32 in oceanic research in thc Caribbean.
link Newsletter Issue 15 May 1987
705 Improving the case of handling the junk rig by Sunbird Yachts.
link Newsletter Issue 15 May 1987
708 KINGFISHER 20+ LORCHINKA in the Med.
link Newsletter Issue 15 May 1987
727 The Marco Polo voyage - The construction of COCACHIN.
link Newsletter Issue 18 November 1988
732 Mike & Helga Pratt Changing ABRAXIS a 35' steel yacht to junk rig
link Newsletter Issue 18 November 1988
737 Annie & Pete Hill WESTCOASTER 20 MISSEE LEE converts to junk and cruises the West Country and crosses the Channel
link Newsletter Issue 19 May 1989
739 Restoration of a Chinese Sampan in the West Country.
link Newsletter Issue 19 May 1989
742 FORTUNATE CLOUD - based on a FOOCHOW POLE JUNK being built in Bristol.
link Newsletter Issue 19 May 1989
744 Book Review "All in the Same Boat" a 29' steel junk rigged boat called LORCHA circumnavigating
link Newsletter Issue 19 May 1989
751 SABRA'S (SUNBIRD 32 junk schooner) 10' Anniversary.
link Newsletter Issue 20 December 1989
753 The Yachting Monthly Triangle Race in a GALLANT 29.
link Newsletter Issue 20 December 1989
754 Wendy & Michael Willett - Progress report.
link Newsletter Issue 20 December 1989
758 Junk Schooner Rig on a LONE GULL 28'.
link Newsletter Issue 21 Summer 1990
759 Victor Wintcrthun Research into Windward performance of the Junk Rig
link Newsletter Issue 21 Summer 1990
763 David & Lynda Chidell Specification and description of TIN HAU, a 17 ton COLVIN steel schooner, built by David & Lynda Chidell.
link Newsletter Issue 21 Summer 1990
764 Exploration and development of the Chinese Junk in the 15th Century
link Newsletter Issue 21 Summer 1990
765 Specification and description of a schooner junk rigged CLAYMORE 30' GRP Motor Sailer (illustrated).
link Newsletter Issue 22 December 1990
767 ANDREW DORIA, a COLVIN DOXY 38 steel junk rigged schooner.
link Newsletter Issue 22 December 1990
768 Rolex Award winner for Enterprise undefined Dr. Wayne Moran and the 75' Foochow Pole Junk COCACHIN.
link Newsletter Issue 22 December 1990
769 Richard Harmer-Brown Building a steel TEALE 60' ketch rigged Junk in Yorkshire
link Newsletter Issue 22 December 1990
770 Vincent Reddish Researching, Designing and Installing a traditionally based junk rig in a VERTUE 26 (illustrated)
link Newsletter Issue 22 December 1990
775 More of Peter Ludewig's COLVIN DOXY 38' steel yacht.
link Newsletter Issue 23 Summer 1991
777 More of COCACHIN, a 75' replica of a Foochow Pole Junk. China - Land of the Sailing junk.
link Newsletter Issue 23 Summer 1991
779 Research and development of the junk rig on a SADLER 26 plus racing results.
link Newsletter Issue 23 Summer 1991
780 Crossing the Atlantic (West to East) in a SUNBIRD 32 junk schooner.
link Newsletter Issue 24 Winter 1991
781 39' Ferro junk schooner from Australia.
link Newsletter Issue 24 Winter 1991
788 Model Chinese junk fishing boats from Hong Kong and some kits from UK model shops.
link Newsletter Issue 24 Winter 1991
790 Launching of the new JESTER
link Newsletter Issue 25 Summer 1992
800 WYLO II Junk ketch on a steel hull launched in New Zealand and details of the hinged battens.
link Newsletter Issue 26 Winter 1992
804 UPIK, a CHALLENGER 35 junk schooner cruise from the Canary Islands to Cape Town, including the loss of the foremast.
link Newsletter Issue 26 Winter 1992
805 SABRA, a SUNBIRD 32 junk schooner sails with the trans Atlantic "Columbus Voyage Fleet" and also loses a foremast
link Newsletter Issue 26 Winter 1992
806 BARE BONES a 30' yacht by Angus Primrose with a junk rig for taking part competitively in the Single Handed Trans Atlantic Race
link Newsletter Issue 26 Winter 1992
808 "The Chinese Sailing Rig", designing and building your own by Derek Van Loan
link Newsletter Issue 26 Winter 1992
809 Hans Schaeuble A new approach to batten bending
link Newsletter Issue 27 Summer 1993
811 TIN HAU - 3-masted 40' LWL stccl Junk undefined Performance Chart.
link Newsletter Issue 27 Summer 1993
816 Air jets lift wings and boost heat exchangers.
link Newsletter Issue 27 Summer 1993
820 LOCKEN DORY 31' Ketch junk in Oman.
link Newsletter Issue 28 Winter 1993
823 More batten bending from Hans Schaeuble.
link Newsletter Issue 28 Winter 1993
827 Report from our man in China and Ferro Fishing Junks.
link Newsletter Issue 28 Winter 1993
834 CHALLENGER 35 UPIK loses a mast in the South Atlantic, Skipper and UPIK'S stay in S. Africa and eventual arrival in Spain.
link Newsletter Issue 29 Summer 1994
836 JRA 1994 Research & Development Project Progress to date at Exeter University.
link Newsletter Issue 30 Summer 1995
837 The 1995 Research & Development Programme.
link Newsletter Issue 30 Summer 1995
844 John Hatch looks at the development of the junk rig and the wind in which it sailed.
link Newsletter Issue 30 Summer 1995
856 Garrard Kelly Proposed Research and Development Fund and a members views
link Newsletter Issue 32 October 1996
857 Joddy Chapman Research at Exeter University into the Junk Rig by Joddy Chapman.
link Newsletter Issue 32 October 1996
858 Barbara & Ray Evans The Chinese Battened Lugsail
link Newsletter Issue 32 October 1996
860 Lloyd & Judy Halverson BATWING a 34' Junk schooner
link Newsletter Issue 32 October 1996
863 Tim & Marilyn Smith Our Junk Schooner rigged 35' SHARPIE
link Newsletter Issue 32 October 1996
865 Research & Development Report to date at Exeter University.
link Newsletter Issue 33 April 1997
873 Alistair Berry First Cruise in COROMANDEL HO-CHOI
link Newsletter Issue 33 April 1997
876 Hans Schaeuble's cruise in the Baltic 1996 and the Mediterranean 1997 in his LIBERTY 23.
link Newsletter Issue 34 April 1999
878 Mike Briant Mike Briant undefined student of junks and his 50' ferro CHIN LIN.
link Newsletter Issue 34 April 1999
880 Bunny Smith Research at Exeter University for the J.R.A. by Joddy Chapman - Comment on research
link Newsletter Issue 34 April 1999
885 Book Review - "Cutting the Dragons Tail" by David & Lynda Chidell. Building a COLVIN 50' steel 3 masted junk and sailing away
link Newsletter Issue 35 October 1999
886 Building of an Epoxy-Ply SHARPIE junk schooner in the Netherlands.
link Newsletter Issue 35 October 1999
887 Rigging the 29' Schooner NOOTKA ROSE in Canada.
link Newsletter Issue 35 October 1999
890 Allen & Sharie Farrell Book Review - "Salt on the Wind" by Dan Rubin about CHINA CLOUD 42' junk schooner built
link Newsletter Issue 35 October 1999
895 Calculating the sail panel camber with a chain.
link Newsletter Issue 36 February 2000
901 Pete & Annie Hill Pete & Annie Hill's new junk rigged catamaran CHINA MOON.
link Newsletter Issue 36 February 2000
909 Research and Development.
link Newsletter Issue 37 November 2000
912 Achieving good windward performance with junk rig.
link Newsletter Issue 37 November 2000
927 SEEKER, Harry Birch's steel TRADEWIND 25, the building and cruising to the Canaries.
link Newsletter Issue 39 March 2002
931 The voyages of Chempaka & High Tea, a 3-masted junk in the 50's & 60's with valuable comments on junk rig sailing reproduced.
link Newsletter Issue 39 March 2002
932 The concluding report by Joddy Chapman on the research into the junk rig that rewarded him with a PhD.
link Newsletter Issue 39 March 2002
627 James Ward Junk Rig on a WATERWITCH
link Newsletter Issue 4 January 1982
937 Slieve McGalliard Some technical thoughts
link Newsletter Issue 40 March 2003
938 Sea Trial of CHINA MOON, Pete Hill's junk rigged 37' Catamaran.
link Newsletter Issue 40 March 2003
940 Experiences of the J.R.A. Charter Boats.
link Newsletter Issue 40 March 2003
944 A survey of Chinese Junks (in a trimaran) in China 1985.
link Newsletter Issue 41 August 2003
957 Research and Development - some thoughts and responses.
link Newsletter Issue 42 January 2004
962 SAMSON C-BIRD 38 - Installing & Sailing a junk rig. Building a classic Malay Junk Schooner.
link Newsletter Issue 42 January 2004
966 Building a junk rig for a 36' steel schooner.
link Newsletter Issue 43 August 2004
967 36' CHINA BLUE'S West Coast and Irish/Scottish Cruise.
link Newsletter Issue 43 August 2004
969 Pete Hill 37' Cat CHINA MOON'S voyage to Cape Horn.
link Newsletter Issue 43 August 2004
974 Rally reports - Holy Loch and E. Coast.
link Newsletter Issue 43 August 2004
986 Building a 38' SHARPIE junk schooner.
link Newsletter Issue 45 August 2005
987 2002 - the Chinese build a 102' traditional sailing junk.
link Newsletter Issue 45 August 2005
988 Building a FAY 40' junk schooner.
link Newsletter Issue 45 August 2005
990 Building a modified Steel SPRAY 12m junk ketch.
link Newsletter Issue 45 August 2005
992 Eric De Bisschop - a French sailing hero, building and sailing KAIMILOA 38' and
link Newsletter Issue 45 August 2005
995 George Chapman - Obituary.
link Newsletter Issue 46 January 2006
998 An Old Chinese Wingsail
link Newsletter Issue 46 January 2006
999 Scottish and Holy Loch Rallies - Reports and pictures.
link Newsletter Issue 46 January 2006
1001 The tour of PRECIOUS DRAGON - Chinese 3 masted Junk.
link Newsletter Issue 46 January 2006
1005 Building a junk schooner rig for a 40' Van de Stadt in S. Africa for 6700=.
link Newsletter Issue 47 August 2006
1011 Richard Dryden The Transition Sailing Rig by Richard Dryden following his talk at the Summer Rally.
link Newsletter Issue 47 August 2006
1013 Passage Report from Mathilda, a steel Dutch Grundel.
link Newsletter Issue 47 August 2006
1014 Converting PREVEDA, a Gouwzec 33' stccl Dutch yacht to junk rig in Switzerland with a single mast in a tabernacle, hoisted by husband and wife crew.
link Newsletter Issue 47 August 2006
1016 Azores to Gibraltar in a 45' junk schooner without a rudder.
link Newsletter Issue 48 January 2007
1017 David Tyler Performance result of a Swing-Wing schooner rig on TYSTIE; UK to S. Africa.
link Newsletter Issue 48 January 2007
1032 Holy Loch Rally, Summer Rally and East Coast Rally Reports & pictures.
link Newsletter Issue 49 August 2007
1033 Renovating a ferro 39' Samson C Bird and converting to junk schooner for world
link Newsletter Issue 49 August 2007
635 Brian Platt The Chinese Junk, history, Construction, Use and Advantages by Brian Platt.
link Newsletter Issue 5 June 1982
1039 Lex Hodgkinson The Norwegian yachts and their cambered sail panels. Experiences of my hinged battens on my Wylo II junk Schooner rig
link Newsletter Issue 50 January 2008
1045 Maurice & Barbara Poissenot MATHILDA, our steel 28' Dutch Grundel makes creek crawling in the Mcd. a sensible option
link Newsletter Issue 50 January 2008
1047 2008 Holy Loch Rally news.
link Newsletter Issue 50 January 2008
1048 Sunbird 32 GUNG HO with junk schooner rig gives her new owners a first summer cruise
link Newsletter Issue 50 January 2008
1055 Home made Windvane across the Atlantic. Holy Loch Rally report.
link Newsletter Issue 51 August 2008
1062 Norwegian Rally Technical report
link Newsletter Issue 52 December 2008
1064 Freedom Yachts - a rally and buying quest.
link Newsletter Issue 52 December 2008
1066 Azores and back Jester Challenge in a Kingfisher 22.
link Newsletter Issue 52 December 2008
1068 Chris Scanes Chris Scanes on camber in junk rig sail panels.
Describes development of cambered panel thinking and advantages of lens type, specific example being for a Kingfisher 26
1081 Ketil Greve A Sail cover/Catcher
link Newsletter Issue 53 August 2009
1086 Holy Loch Rally Report
link Newsletter Issue 53 August 2009
607 Bob Groves Sailing a Junk Rig schooner
link Newsletter Issue 54 January 2010
1091 Bob Groves Sailing a Junk Rig schooner
link Newsletter Issue 54 January 2010
639 Mat and Batten Sail - Its Aerodynamic Qualities, an extract from Science & Civilization in China.
link Newsletter Issue 6 December 1982
646 "Where to Find" junk rig designers, suppliers, information, chartering, tuition
link Newsletter Issue 6 December 1982
648 Dr. Harry Morton "Junks of China & Japan" - their hull and rig construction and use - long extract from book
link Newsletter Issue 7 June 1983
650 Nick Skeates. WYLO II 32' steel Junk Rigged Ketch sailplan and design details from
link Newsletter Issue 7 June 1983
653 MANDARIN, Howard Marshall's 7'I~ ton Junk rigged and ruddered yacht.
link Newsletter Issue 8 December 1983
655 "The Venerable Chinese Junk", an article describing various uses of junks and their various designs relative to their function as trading ships
link Newsletter Issue 8 December 1983
658 Sailplan & details of 44' steel Junk Schooner.
link Newsletter Issue 8 December 1983
659 David Tyler The "Chinese 80" rig on a HUNTER HORIZON 26
link Newsletter Issue 9 May 1984
663 "Chinese Traders", an extract from the "The Evolution of Modern Sailboat Design"
link Newsletter Issue 9 May 1984
664 "The Lorcha" - Spars and Rigging, an extract from "Skene's Elements of Yacht Design"
link Newsletter Issue 9 May 1984
666 Book Review of "Sails", by J. Howard Williams, a new chapter on Junk and Allied Rigs
link Newsletter Issue 9 May 1984
667 "The Amoy fisher and the Fishing Boat of the Chusans", extracts from "The Floating Population of China" by G.R.G. Worcester
link Newsletter Issue 9 May 1984
1 JRA What choice of material do I have for my battens?
3 Annie Hill How do I heave-to in a JR schooner
Heaving To
6 Arne Kverneland Preface - ch1 of The Cambered Panel Junk Rig
introduction to the cambered panel junk rig
7 Arne Kverneland The Boat - ch2 of The Cambered Panel Junk Rig
Finding suitable boats for JR
9 Arne Kverneland Drawing a detailed sail plan - ch4 of The Cambered Panel Junk Rig
10 Arne Kverneland Making the Sail - ch5 of The Cambered Panel Junk Rig
Lofting cutting making a cambered panel junk rig sail
11 Arne Kverneland The (wooden) mast - ch 6 of The Cambered Panel Junk Rig
12 Arne Kverneland The hybrid mast - ch6b of the Cambered Panel Junk Rig
13 Arne Kverneland Rigging the Sail - ch7 of the Cambered Panel Junk Rig
14 Arne Kverneland Arne's Chain calculator
A method for calculating camber in a JR sail
18 HG Hasler Kingfisher Original Sailing Instructions
How to sail a junk rig, specifically a Hasler Kingfisher yacht
39 Arne Kverneland "The Cambered Panel Junk Rig (""The book"") - Chapter 1 - Preface"
"The Cambered Panel Junk Rig (""The book""), a DIY guide to rigging a boat with cambered panel sails."
40 Arne Kverneland "The Cambered Panel Junk Rig (""The book"") - Chapter 2 - The Boat"
41 Arne Kverneland "The Cambered Panel Junk Rig (""The book"") - Chapter 3 - Choosing a Sailplan"
42 Arne Kverneland "The Cambered Panel Junk Rig (""The book"") - Chapter 4 - Drawing a Detailed Sail"
43 Arne Kverneland "The Cambered Panel Junk Rig (""The book"") - Chapter 5 - Making the Sail"
44 Arne Kverneland "The Cambered Panel Junk Rig (""The book"") - Chapter 6 - The Wooden Mast"
45 Arne Kverneland "The Cambered Panel Junk Rig (""The book"") - Chapter 6b - The Hybrid Mast"
46 Arne Kverneland "The Cambered Panel Junk Rig (""The book"") - Chapter 7 - Rigging the Sail"
48 Arne Kverneland Samson, a 49' schooner
54 Arne Kverneland 20160317 Sketching up a JR for a Nonsuch 30
63 Arne Kverneland 20180611 Making a parachute drogue - updated 20180729
How-To notes
68 Arne Kverneland Arne Kverneland Letters
Other Technical Articles and Letters by Arne Kverneland
72 Slieve McGalliard Slieve's sailcatcher_cover
Slieve McGalliard's files
75 Slieve McGalliard C and SJ Chapter 11 Rigging 12-06-3a
Thoughts on Cambered Panels and the Split Junk Rig
80 Slieve McGalliard C and SJ Chapter 11 Mod 12-12-17
Thoughts on Cambered Panels and the Split Junk Rig
88 JRA JRA-Fitting the unstayed mast rig to your boat
Junk Knowledge Archive
89 JRA JRA-Why consider the junk rig and similar
Junk Knowledge Archive
92 JRA JRA Fact Sheet 3
Sailing Information, Charter, Tuition:
95 JRA JRA-Fact Sheet 6
Sources of Technical Information
103 JRA Jock McLeod's Archives
112 Cap'n Harry Freeman Saga Of A Nauti Sailor Chapter 1
113 JRA Jock McLeod's Archives - Inventory
116 Jock McLeod Jock McLeod's Archives - Part 2 - Rig Design I
Too many documents to list at this stage
117 Jock McLeod Jock McLeod's Archives - Part 3 - Rig Design II
Too many documents to list at this stage
118 Jock McLeod Jock McLeod's Archives - Part 4 - Rig Design III
Too many documents to list at this stage
119 Jock McLeod Jock McLeod's Archives - Part 5 - Logs
Too many documents to list at this stage
122 Eric W. Sponberg Freedom Yacht Mast Cracking - Causes and the Cure
Freedom mast repairs
124 Editor So what got you into sailing?
is a compilation of forum postings for which there was no room in issue 64 of the JRA magazine.
1103 Graham Cox Conversation with David & Lynda Chidell (Tin Hau)
link Magazine Issue 88 March 2022 Page: 12
1104 Ted Stone Fly (Junk Rig Schooner)
link Magazine Issue 88 March 2022 Page: 27
1115 Graeme Kenyon Crossing the Language Barrier
Chinese language and Junk Rig boats
link Magazine Issue 87 October 2021 Page: 3
1122 Scott Yellig Thread
Lake Michigan sailing report
link Magazine Issue 87 October 2021 Page: 41
1131 Graeme Kenyon Crossing the Language Barrier
Chinese language and Junk Rig boats
link Magazine Issue 86 June 2021 Page: 7
1137 Graeme Kenyon The Junk Taiwan Cheng Kung (Koxinga)
replica 17th century junk
link Magazine Issue 86 June 2021 Page: 47
1140 Annie Hill The Wind Calls the Tune
review of book by Stanley Smith and Charles Violet
link Magazine Issue 86 June 2021 Page: 62
1108 Bruno Gouget Cruising Mayottee to Richards Bay
link Magazine Issue 88 March 2022 Page: 39
1149 Kevin Cardiff A Nearly Forgotten History - the California junk
Chinese migrants to California and the junks they used and built
link Page: 9
1159 Margaret drummer Drummer
Living and cruising on the sailing yacht drummer, a Tom Colvin Doxy 38
link Page: 16
1185 Bruno Gouget Cruising news from Lakatao
Lakatao sails from South Africa to Saint Helena, Fernando de Noronha, French Guyana, West Indies
link Page: 29
1200 Icicle Hitch
Are useful knot for a smooth spars
link Page: 46
1217 Jan Wolstenholme The Boat Shed
Junk rig boat building and recent launchings
link Page: 56
1230 Patrick Leblanc China Blue
Sailing from Glasgow via Troon, Bangor, Howth, to Caernafon
link Page: 30
1237 Mauro Pau The Refit of Shui Jen
Choosing, refitting, and sailing a Kingfisher 20+
link Page: 41
1239 Various members The Boatshed
Building continues on a Siblim, a HFJY34, Serchthrift (a Wylo II), Tapatya (a Benford Dory)
link Page: 50
1245 JRA Introduction to the Junk Rig - part 2
Youtube video - discusses the characteristics of the Junk Rig, its sheeting, mast, reefing, rigging etc Sailing; rigging: wing sails; cambered sails; yards; battens; Chinese lugsail
1249 JRA Introduction to the Junk Rig Part 4 - Sailing a Junk Rig Boat
YouTube video explaining how a junk rig sails, describing windward sailing, reaching, running, tacking and gybing
1250 JRA Building Tapatya - Interview with Tony Brown
YouTube interview with the self builder of a 34’ junk rig benford dory - the challenges of building
1251 Graham Cox Jester, Blondie Hasler and Mike Richie - a junk rig boat and its sailors
The history of jester a junk rigged folkboat , its sailors and transatlantic journeys
1253 JRA Sailing Junk Rigs in New England - Shemaya Laurel
Interview with a sailor of three junk rigs including a Benford design Chebacco, Auklet, and a Dave and Anke Zeiger design triloboat Great Auk
1254 JRA Buying a Junk Rig Boat and Sailing it to France - Interview with Patrick Leblanc
YouTube video interview about the journey of 36’ schooner China Blue from Scotland to France
1271 Story of a Traditional Sabani, courtesy Story of a Sabani
For many, many years Okinawan fishermen plied their trade using traditional wooden boats - Sabani. This is the story of building and launching one of these
1273 JRA The Semaine du Golfe du Morbihan Junket
Notice of a junket to take place in context of a major French sailing festival in Brittany
link Page: 3
1275 Graeme Kenyon The Ill Fated Voyage of the Princess Taiping
Story of a double pacific crossing by a modern replica of a traditional southeast China junk and shipwreck
link Page: 17
1279 Gordon Gregg Iris
A 35' Benford designed yacht, junk rigged schooner in UK, France and the Med, ends up in Greece
link Page: 31
1280 Various participants Russell Tall Ships event 2023
A junket within a major boating festival, including mini-stories from various boats - Renate Christ/Taiko Gordon Gregg/Shoestring Roger Scott/Tystie David Webb/Gypsy Rose Annie Hill/Fanshi Alan Marti
link Page: 34
1283 Par Leijonhufoud Marine and Coastal Survival
Survival techniques for land and sea
link Page: 49
1284 Jan Wolstenholme The Boat Shed
continued regular feature on boat builds in train, including Alan Mulholland/Wave Rover, Siblim Siblings/Robert Hegarty and Frank Schapitz, Chris Phillips/Serchthrift, Frederik Roelf Elslo HFJY34; Rae
link Page: 54
1285 Valentin Hecq-Cauquil Gung Ho
Cruise around the Iberian Coastline in a Junk Rigged Schooner
link Page: 58
1289 Shemaya Laurel; Debbie Lyons Two Fall Junkets
Invitation to two forthcoming junkets in New England and Chesapeake
link Page: 3
1298 Corsair to the Rescue
Two articles from sailing magazines regarding the rescue of Bill King by the yacht Corsair etc
link Page: 24
1300 The Quanzhou Ship
Article about an archaeologically rediscovered Song Dynasty ship
link Page: 37
1303 Gordon Gregg Trouble in Suva
Story of a learning experience around dragged anchors in a crowded anchorage
link Page: 49
1304 Dave Leet Nomad, a Post Pandemic Update
An update on the travels of the Junk Rigged yacht Nomad over the COVID period and after. Martinique, Suriname, Carriacou
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1305 Monika Massey Glacier Gem - the start of a great adventure
The author and husband Nick start their circumnavigation adventure in self-built steel yacht. From the Great Lakes to Florida, Mexico, the Carribean, Central America
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1307 Chair's report for the AGM 2023
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1309 Treasurer's Report for Year Ended 31 March 2023
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1311 JRA Kokachin's Voyages
YouTube video of the voyage from Europe to the Caribbean of this deForestier junk
1312 JRA; Scott Yellig Explaining the Junk Rig (2) - A 22' Sloop in Michigan
Sailing video of a small cambered rig sloop
1317 JRA Junk Rig boats in West of France
YouTube video - Descriptions and images of junk rigged boats in the western regions of France, including images of Lakatao, Grand Pha, Ming Ming, Circé, Yellow Rock, Pa Yeng, Tourne Lune, Paradox, Chi
1320 Paul McKay Wishbone Rig Re-Visited
Further approaches to design and build of wishbone style junk rig
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1322 Kevin Cardiff YouTube and the Junk Rig
YouTube channels for junk rig enthusiasts
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1324 Mauro Pau First Time Solo and a Family Sailing Holiday
Kingfisher 20+ in the Adriatic. Sailing preparation, characteristics, experience, family
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1326 Annie Hill Enduring Cyclone Gabrielle
Sitting out a strorm in Weiti River, New Zealand, anchor and other issues
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1328 Graeme Kenyon Cocachin Sequel
Story of traditional junk replica built for Silk Route simulation and its less than good outcome
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1329 Monika Massey Glacier Gem
Continued cruise of self-built steel yacht; Florida; Okeechobee; Bahamas
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1330 Shemaya Laurel New England Junket in Two Parts
Gathering of boats in two parts; Australis; Brenda B; Great Auk; Kokachin
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1332 Jan Wolstenholme The Boatshed
JR boats under construction; Tapatya; Wave Rover; Balkan Shipyards; Serchthrift Sibling
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1335 How to Tie a Pile Hitch
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1336 Arne Kverneland Friction in halyard and sheet
3-part or 5-part purchase; choice of line size and blocks; winch positioning; sheeting systems
1341 Various Russell Tall Ships 2024 in Pictures
Junket Images from New Zealand provided by Peter deGraaf, Gordon Gregg, Renate Christ, Annie Hill
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1355 Graeme Kenyon, Graham Cox A Tribute to Wendy & Michael Willett
An affectionate look at the life of the Willetts, their cruising aboard Crusader, Sssuri and Fu-Tien; their writings for the JRA and Wendy
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1358 Pete Hill Towards Newfoundland
Launching Kokachin, cruising the Scilly Islands, Brittany, Portugal, Canary Islands, Cape Verde, crossing to Tobago, Grenada, Martinique, St Martin, Bermuda, Nova Scotia and then around Newfoundland
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1361 Helen Den Dekker Galapagos to French Polynesia
Voyaging aboard Gaia from Galapagos across the Pacific to Bora Bora
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1362 Alan Shapcott North Island Cruise
Sailing La Chica 600 miles up the West coast of New Zealand to get to the Bay of Islands junket
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1364 Annie Hill Book review: Last Days of the Slocum Era by Graham Cox
One man's memoirs of chasing the dream
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1365 Pete Hill, Simon Fraser Kokachin's Atlantic crossing, March - April 2024
An eventful crossing from Florida to Falmouth via Bermuda and the Azores
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1366 Kevin Cardiff The earliest known junks in the UK and Ireland
Discounting Qiying (Keying) as an exhibition boat, accounts of Ottilia, two boats called The Junk, and two called Chinese Junk
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1367 K Cardiff, J Gray, R DeGennaro, I Blair Reports for 2024 AGM
Reports from Chair, Secretary and Webmaster, and JRA Accounts
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1373 Graeme Kenyon and Rob Prince The McGalliard Sail Catcher
Alternative arrangement to lazy jack/topping lift/ sail cover
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1374 Derek Pilgrim Challenger Part 2 - the Discoveries
maritime history - origins of deep water oceanography, ocean depth sounding and survey
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1375 Alan Shapcott North Island Cruise
SV La Chica cruises New Zealand Waters visiting several other junk rigged boats along the way
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1376 Paul Thompson questing for the Holy Grail
Sail design and manufacture - philosophy and techniques
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1387 JRA Voiles de Jonque - Ouest France
YouTube french version of JRA video of junk rigs in the west of France
1391 Chinese Junk Sea Dragon of Vancouver
YouTube Video of a traditional junk and its story and current use