715 Wendy & Michael Willet Results of a years cruise aboard FU-T' IEN
link Newsletter Issue 16 November 1987
946 Lifting aboard Mast Climber.
link Newsletter Issue 41 August 2003
1355 Graeme Kenyon, Graham Cox A Tribute to Wendy & Michael Willett
An affectionate look at the life of the Willetts, their cruising aboard Crusader, Sssuri and Fu-Tien; their writings for the JRA and Wendy
link Page: 3
1357 Shirley Carter Three months aboard Speedwell
Voyaging in the Phillipines and Malaysia
link Page: 9
1361 Helen Den Dekker Galapagos to French Polynesia
Voyaging aboard Gaia from Galapagos across the Pacific to Bora Bora
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